Let that sink in for a moment. That’s right, the Pope has resigned. He’s the first Pope to not die in office since the 15th Century. Most Popes keep on truckin’ through illness, alzheimer’s and inherent lunacy until God himself arrives and plucks him off of his jewelled stool. So what gives?
The official line seems to be ill health. Here’s the Pope’s statement:
Dear Brothers,
I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonisations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.
I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering. However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the bark of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognise my incapacity to adequately fulfil the ministry entrusted to me.
For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.
Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects. And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff. With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.
From the Vatican, 10 February 2013
Jesus Christ, what a quitter! Ill health? Other Popes have worked even when they're unfit to open a tin of beans unaided. It's no excuse, Mr. Quitty Von Dropout!
Frankly, I’m not buying it. Being a Pope is very definition of a job for life, that’s why the Church doesn’t provide a Pontiff pension plan. At the risk of exposing a conspiracy, I’m going to list several ideas that may have caused this unusual decision. Let’s blow the lid off of this mother-bitch!
1) He’s involved in some kind of super scandal. Considering the guy has survived such scandals as being part of Hitler Youth, and the widespread child abuse which he has helped to cover up, it would have to be the scandal of the century to dislodge this controversial clergyman. My best guess is that he’s behind the horsemeat scandal that is currently enveloping Europe.
2) He has become so disenfranchised with his recent foray into Twitter that it has turned him into an atheist. Let’s face it, any lengthy interaction with your average Twitter user will cause anyone to renounce the existence of a divine creator. What sane God would allow #YOLO to trend? Madness.
3) He was set to announce a radical change to Catholic ideology, so all the Cardinals got together and ousted him. Perhaps the Pope’s next speech was to be about how condoms had acceptable uses, such as expensive, slimy birthday balloons. Maybe he was going to announce that dog abortion is okay because animals don’t go to heaven anyway.
4) His retirement coincides with the release of a new Dan Brown novel. This could all turn out to be an elaborate ruse by the publishers to promote their newest poorly-constructed thriller. The Pope will then pen a sequel to it later in the year, thus setting him up for a lucrative book deal when he finally does retire at Christmas.
5) The Illuminati have grown tired of him clocking in late and doodling in his notebook during meetings.
6) The Reptillian Space Pope has finally arrived on Earth. This has rendered our hairy, mammalian meatbag of a pontiff obsolete. All Popeish duties are to be assimilated by our scaled overlords post haste.
7) After realising that his word alone can sentence people to the everlasting joys of heaven, or eternal damnation and suffering in hell, the Pope has snapped under the pressure. It’s too much responsibility for one man to bear.
8) After 8 years on the job, Benedict XVI has realised that he actually applied for the wrong job in the first place. He’s spent all this time wondering when his Hair and Beauty apprenticeship would finally start. Just how many babies do you have to kiss before you get accepted onto the course?
9) One of the Pope’s friends pointed out that “Pope” sounds a little bit like “Poop”. Unable to live with the shame, he resigns.
10) Richard Dawkins made him cry over the phone.
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Da roof, da roof, da roof is on fire! |
Before you say anything, no, I didn’t run out of steam towards the end of that list. Every point on there is just as valid as the last one.
Whatever the reason behind the Pope’s departure, I’m sure we can all agree that he’s been the best Pope we can all remember. Except for the last one. And the one before that. Oh, and that crazy guy who lives in a skip down the road who thinks that putting a traffic cone on his head makes him a spiritual leader. May I be the first to say, Godspeed Mr Benedict. May your replacement denounce paedophilia in all its forms.
Yes, I'm back. Thanks for bearing with me, I've had a rough month. I won't explain myself as it's personal stuff and it's boring for you readers who come here for a laugh. Rest assured that I'm back and hoping to get into the swing of things again. I'm going to start by establishing a posting schedule, then I'll be coming to post on your Blogs once again. Beware!
Its all of the above. Dat pope is in some ma-hoosive trouble with Wonga.com or redtube or something. Dicking about on that i-pad has caused him to rethink he status in life and in two weeks we will see in on the blog forums spamming each and everyone of us to view Kitteninkilts.blogspot or Cardinals say the racist things dot com
ReplyDelete(apologies if anyone has actually registered kittensinkilts)
He looks a bad'un anyway, and if we can learn anything from the Jimmy Savile case its that if something quacks like a duck it's probably a sex pest or something.
Thanks for making me Google redtube at work (note to others, do not do this).
DeleteKittens in Kilts? Would that be kittens wearing kilts, or a Scotsman with kittens up his kilt? Either way, if the Pope is involved in someway, I say we should ban this sick filth!
Oh my...very funny. What is the purpose of the pope anyway? WHy do we need one?
ReplyDeleteHugs and chocolate,
What? Are you suggesting that we don't need an antiquated head of state for an ancient, defunct institution that devotes itself to the belief of the unprovable?
DeleteI'm glad to see you back and in fine form as ever. I don't think it's part of any kind of conspiracy because yeah, he's involved in some high level stuff and I don't want to consider what could be worse. He;s a crazy old coot, and I actually forgot how scary and creepy he looked.
ReplyDeleteHe does cut a rather frightening figure. I'm pretty sure that his arms are always raised in every picture of him. The only logical conclusion is that he's attempting to photosynthesize.
DeleteI'm willing to place my bet on number 9. I once held the title of an Art Seller, but it sounded so much like "fart smeller" that I had to resign from my position, leave the state, and assume a new identity. I'm never going to make that mistake again.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, Addman! I see that your absense hasn't affected your funny bone in the slightest.
Phew, it's good job you didn't take that job as a Litter Runt then.
DeleteI'm sorry I haven't been around for Sinquiry lately. I'll post on the forum later and catch up with y'all.
Its good to see you back Addman I was worried you were a goner for a time I even wrote to the Pope and asked if he would pour some of that holy water on your head to bring you back to the world of blogging. But he said something about he would rather retire in a cloud of mystery rather than have Addman back defacing cyberspace with his witty remarks and cynical comments.
ReplyDeleteI am no good at history but one thing I remember about Hitler and his mates is that they were very very keen on gold and stashing it away in Swiss bank faults. How it my just be a coincidence but I do believe that the Vatican was well stashed with gold all over the place up to about eight or nine years ago, when rumour has it that it started to vanish off into a secret Swiss bank account, although no one knew who was doing it. . . . . . I always thought that Pope Ben looked remotely like that nice Mr Goldfinger
I will say Addman who pick you moments to Blog stuff, last time The End of the World, now The End of the Pope.
Once again good to see you back.
SORRY . . . .Now it may just be a coincidence . . . . . . silly keyboard
DeleteThanks Rob. I think you're onto something with this whole gold syphoning thing. We should make a badly editted Youtube video about it and get the true crazy/conspiracy theorists to look it over. They might be able to add robots to it.
DeleteWelcome back, you crazy bastard.
ReplyDeleteThanks, it feels great to be back. It also feels great to be a bastard, crazy or otherwise.
DeleteI don't believe this Pope is retiring for health reasons. I think he wants to get out of town before the shit really hits the fan with this sex scandal.
ReplyDeleteOnly time will tell. Time, or perhaps the bribery of leading church figures.
DeleteAll hail the supreme reptilian poop! Or whatever. Funny stuff. Welcome back.
ReplyDeleteCheers bud, glad it tickled your funny bone.
DeleteStill laughing at the fact that you didn't know what Redtube was and then googled it at work. Priceless.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back Addman, you have been well missed. :)
I just thought it would be a rouge-tinted version of YouTube. Surely a better name would be BlueTube.
DeleteSo all it takes to get you to come back to blogging is the retirement of a pontiff? Noted. The Richard Dawkins line caught me in the giggle box. But it was definitely the Illuminati...or he's supernaturally horny, either way. I wonder if he gets to keep the clothes. What if he gets better? What if they inject him with stem cells and he makes a full recovery, can he get the car back? It would be weird to see an ex-pope on the beach sipping margaritas.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back, I hope your personal stuff gets worked out.
Thanks dude. That's a good point actually, if he makes a miraculous recovery will he want his old job back? Will that be evidence of divine intervention? Are stem cells really made from blended babies? I can't fathom these ethical questions.
DeleteWelcome back. I have missed your posts. I still can't decide if I like #4 or #6 better. Hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteJust split the difference and go for #5.
DeleteThanks by the way!
Waz worried your brain got ate by a pigeon...
ReplyDeleteHappy you are back!
Reason #11: Benedict was blackmailed- A document showing his lineage to Dracula was about to be made public
I can see that. There is something of the night about him.
DeleteYay! You're back!
ReplyDeleteI think it's #2, but I hope it's #6.
I think we're all hoping for #6 on some level. Just goes to show that humans want to be dominated.
DeleteWelcome back!
ReplyDeleteAnd hey, it's hard working praying and hating gay people. I just disliked a gay person this morning and it left me severely winded. I think I'm getting out of shape.
Just wait until casual racism starts taking over your day. Honestly, I don't think I have enough hours in the day to devote to it.
DeleteYou had me at POOP
ReplyDeleteThat's great to know. At least I'll always have a fallback opening word for my posts.