Friday, 5 October 2012

Serial Killer Suggestions

It's no secret that Hollywood is on it's arse, both creatively and financially. That's why we at Muppets for Justice occasionally like to suggest new ideas for movies.  Anything to break up the formulaic tedium unleashed by the current slew of film studios.  So, focussing on horror movies, we had a bit of a think tank with a certain undesirable section of society.  Basically, we asked several serial killers to tell us what scares them the most.  If it scares them, it's guaranteed to petrify the likes of you and me, right?  Anyway, here are the results:

Ted Bundy: An old man who has had his eyes replaced with a dog's eyes.

Fred West: How about a child with a jack in the box full of poisonous wasps?

Charles Manson: A haunted toaster that turns itself on when it's unplugged.  It continues trying to toast even when there's no bread in it.

Rose West: A woman in a window brushing her hair, but when you look again she's not there and SHE'S BEHIND YOU - OH GOD!

Raul Moat: An abandoned hospital staffed by ventriloquist dummies in nurse uniforms. The admin is done solely by clowns.

Ian Huntley:  A ghost that has died and become a ghost's ghost.

Anders Brevik:  Uncontrolled immigration.

James Egan Holmes:  A group of hooded men stood around chanting, and when you look closer, they're...AHA!  Gotcha!

Seung-Hui Cho:  A leech the size of a hippo.

Jack The Ripper:  An enchanted flute that summons the chupacabra.

Ed Gein:  A woman who turns around and her face is a skeleton's face. Her boobs are also a skeleton's boobs.

Thomas Dillon:  A child on a swing that is on fire but he keeps swinging anyway.  He probably started the fire himself.

John Allen Muhammad:  Moss growing on an old woman who has sat down for too long.

Aileen Wuornos:  Some children go into the woods, but are possessed by a wizard who makes them eat  all sorts of disgusting things like worms and slugs and puppy dog eyes.  He creates a banquet of grizzly foods and forces them to finish the whole thing.  Also, they kill their parents.

Nathaniel White:  A school kid with long hair over her face and she's sepia-tinted.

Scott Williams:  A man in a restaurant rapidly eating his way towards his credit limit, and not giving a fuck.

I can't it over?  Phew.  I'm sure we can all agree, that was probably the most frightening collection of ideas ever committed to the Internet.  Let's hope that a bigwig film producer gets hold of these ideas and incorporates them all into a Halloween blockbuster.  Let's also hope that he pays me, handsomely.


In other news, eccentric son of the Internet Rob Z Tobor, has kindly given me this accolade:

This certifies that I am a Radical Abstract Thinker, which gives me something else to put on my CV underneath Secret Lemonade Drinker (if you get that joke, you're too damn old!).  Anyway, if you sometimes think radical abstract thoughts, perhaps you would consider reading his Blog.  He's been popping up on my Sexy People feed on a daily basis for months, and now you've got no excuse not to visit.  Do it now!


  1. First, how did you get Manson to be moderately coherent? Second, are you a medium that you can talk to long dead serial killers? Are you a witch? BURN THE WITCH! Third, I'm not sure which idea is scarier. The leech the size of a hippo is terrifying, but then again, so are skeleton boobs, but possibly the scariest is that someone gave you an, I'm kidding, it's the sepia tinted school kid.

    1. Nothing about this whole thing makes any sense, so I don't think I can answer your questions. I just hope you can forgive me.

  2. I stopped by for my Friday laugh. You succeeded again. Thank you.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Laugh?! You're supposed to be quaking in fear! I will accept the hugs and chocolate though.

  3. With the advent of 3D films I can't believe nobody has made a horror film where somebody points their finger out of the screen and keeps on saying "why are you flinching? I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you... you can't do anything 'cos I'm not touching you." for 90 minutes and then one of the cinema staff reaches from behind and touches your face with a finger they have kept in the ice bucket so its dead cold and makes you do a little wee in your pants.

    Or a big giant copy of your receipt for the massive bucket of popcorn and flat piss-weak cola that you felt obliged to pay for flashes up on the screen every 20 minutes just to remind you what a sap you are.

    BANG!!!! £12.50


    1. I'm going to print off this comment and have it framed. There's nothing about it that I don't like!

  4. So, if I become a serial killer can I pitch you one of my ideas? Because I find soggy, bow tie-wearing koalas to be monsterously hideous and fightening. Bah, well I guess I better get to work.

    1. It's all done on a points system. You need at least 5 killer points per suggestion. A shooting is worth 2, whereas strangles are just 1.

  5. A lot of the movies coming out are remakes (I hate many of the remakes) I am hoping someone in Hollywood gets your list of ideas on a memo! Your list scared the hell outta me!

    1. I am not liable for any pants peed as a result of this list.

  6. Congratulations on such an auspicious and well-deserved award.

  7. I would be terrified of a movie where there is a national disaster killing off enough of the top politicians that the chain of command leaves the IRS in charge of running the country.

    1. Don't the IRS pretty much run everything anyway? Well, they do run the world when the reptilian space Pope is out on business.

  8. What the freaking crap??? These are all positively horrifying. But I think my favorite was the uncontrolled immigration. That sort of thing keeps me up at night.

    1. Do you know what keeps me awake at night? Monster energy drinks. I mean, they're called Monster so they have to be scary, right?

  9. The scariest thing I can imagine is being forced to watch Nicolas Cage movies nonstop for the rest of my life.

    1. Then you'll hate this video:

  10. There were several in there that were downright terrifying. And by terrifying I mean absolutely hilarious. And by several I mean alot. And by alot, I mean a lot.

  11. Nice thought, serial killers scare people and you are trying to find out what scares the serial killers most. Great thought, really great. Now, hollywood has no topics left to make movies, so serial killing is the new topic for them. Thank you for sharing this hilarious post.

    The Diary of Serial Killers


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