Wednesday, 4 April 2012

D – Dodecahedron

D is for dodecahedron.  Look at that thing.  Holy shit.  It looks like a geometry student’s wet dream.

Nerds will recognise dodecahedrons from table top fantasy games as a D12.  That’s a 12 sided die, not a rap group from Detroit.  Wikipedia describes it as a polyhedron with 12 flat faces.  The last time I saw 12 flat faces was when my daredevil bike jump over a dozen orphans failed spectacularly.

There’s very little else to say about dodecahedrons themselves, however, I challenge you to find a more beautiful word in the English language.  Don’t give me that “cellar door” bollocks; dodecahedron is as fun to write as it is to say.  So let me throw open the doors, throw down a gauntlet, and throw up on myself.  What other fun/beautiful/sexy words can you suggest that make you tingle in your special places?


  1. It's official. I am not actually a nerd. I am just lame.

  2. a never knew the proper word for it. all this time I was calling it that "pentagon-roundish-thing." How embarrassing for me.

    will be back to see what you dream up next!


  3. You're a funny guy. I enjoyed scrolling through you posts.

    Stopping in via the A-Z blogging challenge.

    Bev @ Blue Velvet Vincent

  4. Honorificabilitudinitatibus is a silly word that I get enjoyment out of. I don't think it's a shape though.

  5. Discombobulation always gets me in the mood...not that it takes much!

  6. Kerfuffle is always an awesome word for me. Better than saying "commotion" IMO.

  7. Superfluous. It's just always done it for me. I don't know about you, but it's only been four days, and I had to slog through my last post. It's gonna be a long month. C'mon Sunday!

  8. Éblouissant. True, it's in French, but it makes me happy, as does most of 19th Century Romantic literature.

    -Barb the French Bean

  9. Dodecahedron is most definitely a delicious word. I have just added it to the list of delicious words that I keep in my purse. It went right underneath extemporaneous and twaddle.

  10. Every word mentioned here is delicious - although I have a soft spot for both nincompoop and nitwit, as well as all the good Yiddish words like schmendrick, shmeggege and schmaltz. That being said, dodecahedrons are especially excellent in that they combine the delights of a D12 with one of my favorite characters from The Phantom Tollbooth...

    Also, for anyone who even remotely mentions D&D, I have to ask: have you seen this:

  11. Heh. I didn't know it was called that, although I have played a few nerdy games with them...

  12. Hi there. Found you on the A-Z Challenge. Funny post!
    My favorite word is mellifluous. And rightly so.

    Following. After you.

  13. Some very interesting and wonderful words being suggested here. my suggestion would be lie-in. i know it hyphenated (ooh another word i dont use often enough) but it means so much to so many people. i dont know anyone who would turn down a lie-in.

  14. Dodecahedron is a cool word... but my favourite at the moment is perfunctory

  15. Ummmm... I thought it was cool when I could sing along with Chitty-chitty-bang-bang and say super-calla-fragilistic-espeallidocious...

    Now following! I love the title of your blog.


  16. Dodecahedron is a great nerd-werd.

    I can't think of any words that make me tickle in fancy places, alas, but Jericha's schm- words are making me giggle. I do like a good... schm-word.

  17. I enjoy magnanimous. I throw it out at people all the time "Can I borrow your pen? Very magnanimous of you."

  18. Awesome word suggestions everyone. I'm going to commit them all to memory, then casually throw them into as many conversations as possible. Using all of your combined knowledge, I will become the greatest living wordsmith! There's nothing you can do to stop me! Mwahahahaha!

  19. Funnily enough I think there is a rapper called Dodecahedron that mentions 'cellar doors' in his lyrics.


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